Friday, October 21, 2022

Welcome to our Treasury of Talent

Maybe we can’t keep up with the Guggenheim, but maybe we don’t want to. There’s much stuff that gets written it’s hard to sift through it all and find the writers and books that make for great multimedia interactive exhibits the way everything has to be. Getting young people to come a museum featuring books and “authors” is a tough sell these days. We do the best we can, but we have to work slowly and add displays in line with limited budget and staffing levels. Just saying,  this isn’t an easy business to be in.

We’ll talk about specifics later on. Right now I’ve got another emergency in the Sylvia Plath room. Hope it’s not as bad as it was last time.

Ciao for now, dear readers.

AHA Building in Philadelphia

Thursday, October 20, 2022

You can’t always spend lavishly on the Semi-Great

AHA Curator Jed Dapper

Another day, another complainer. Somebody’s mad about our John O’Hare exhibit.

The One from Pottsville

He wrote short stories, very short, for some socialite magazine.

We did the best we could. We’re not made of money, you know.

Back at you later…

Welcome to our Treasury of Talent

Welcome to our Treasury of Talent

Maybe we can’t keep up with the Guggenheim, but maybe we don’t want to. There’s much stuff that gets written it’s hard to sift through it al...